Becoming a Member
If you're considering becoming a member of Harwinton Ambulance, there are plenty of reasons to do so.
First and foremost, you'll gain valuable job experience and career skills that can help you in the future. Additionally, volunteering has been shown to improve your health and self-esteem, while also allowing you to meet real community needs by helping people during emergency situations.
By demonstrating your commitment to making a difference in your community, you may also gain entrance to college or university. Volunteering also provides an opportunity to meet new people and make valuable connections. Finally, by spreading positive energy and hope throughout your community, you can help make the world a better place.

Response Personnel
We utilize two different types of response personnel on our team
Emergency Medical Responder (EMR)
This is the basic level of training for EMS responders. The training consists of a 48 hour class typically taught over a period of two months. Duties include:
• Driving the ambulance
• Assisting EMTs in patient care
• Setting up equipment
• Act as a first responder to stabilize patient until the arrival of the ambulance
Emergency Medical Technician – Basic (EMTB)
This is the most common level of care provided by EMS responders and is the next step above EMRs. The training consists of a 160 hour class spread over 3-4 months. If you have previously trained the EMR level there is a shorter bridge class to bring you up to the EMTB level. Responsibilities Include:
• All duties outlined above in the EMR description
• Administer medications such as Naloxone for opiod overdoses and an EpiPen for allergic reactions.
• Administer Aspirin under medical control protocols
• Place cervical collars on patients and backboard them
• Increased diagnostic skills and patient care abilities over the EMR level
Support Personnel
Are you looking for a way to give back to your community?
The ambulance service is seeking volunteers who are interested in contributing the "business" side of our operation. Whether you have experience in finance, auto mechanics, building and grounds maintenance, event planning, information technologies (IT), web design, or not, we welcome your help. Let us know you're interested in volunteering, and we'll find a spot for you.
Meet our Members
Harwinton Ambulance is a team of 50 dedicated members who work tirelessly to ensure safety of the Harwinton community and surrounding areas. Our members are committed to staying up-date with the latest education training to provide the best possible care to those in need.
Department Officers

Tyler Reginatto

Aaron Franzi
Deputy Chief

Samantha Kellogg

Jack Begley

Jaclyn Nemcik
Training Officer & Community Outreach
Barbara McQuilkin
Alisha Maldanado
Lorrie Little
Committee Members

Vehicle Chairman
Mark Hilton
Jenn Hilton
Tyler O'Neil